Crochet in the Back Loop

Sharing is caring!

When I first started crocheting I always hated how my first row would look. It didn't match my finishing row or round and it bothered me. One of my fellow crochet friends shared this tip with me and I've loved the look ever since. It was such a simple solution that didn't require any more work, just where my hook entered the chain stitch. By turning my chain and working in the back loop it created a beginning edge that was what I was hoping for. So what are your thoughts on this? Do you think you will use this method? If you like it please share the tip with a crochet friend <3

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Clean Starting Chain Row

Have you ever crocheted into the back bump of your starting chain?
If you haven't, try it out for a cleaner starting edge! 🙂
Do you know a crochet friend that would use this quick tip?

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Posted by Briana K on Monday, September 5, 2016