How To Knit and Purl

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The knit and purl stitches and the most basic staple stitches when it comes to knitting. If you are just starting out and want to learn how to knit, the purl and knit stitches are where to start. Keep reading to learn how to knit and purl.

If you haven't mastered casting on yet, come discover the different cast-on methods. Once you have your stitches cast onto your needles, then come right back to learn the next steps in becoming an excellent knitter.

knit and purl stitches

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How to Knit and Purl Supplies

knit picks mosaic straights needles
Knit Picks Yarn Brava Mini Pack

The Knit Stitch

YouTube video

Step 1:
After you've done your chosen cast on method, hold the needle with the cast-on stitches on it in your left hand so that the first stitch is approximately one inch from the tip of the needle. Loop the yarn that goes from the bottom of the first stitch to the ball of yarn over the top of the forefinger of your right hand and hold the empty needle in your right hand.

Step 2:
Insert the tip of the right needle into the stitch closest to the tip of the left needle, from left to right through the stitch. 

Step 3:

Wrap the yarn from the stitch on the left needle up and over the top of the right needle in a clockwise motion.

Slide the right needle (with the loop of yarn on it) down and towards you through the center of the stitch that is on the left needle.

Step 4:
Pull the yarn that is around the tip of the right needle down and through the stitch on the left needle to create a new loop ('stitch') on the right needle.

Step 5:
Slip the new stitch and the stitch from the left needle completely off the tip of the left needle. You have created one knit stitch that now sits on the right needle. Repeat the steps until all of the stitches from the left-hand needle are knitted.

The Purl Stitch

YouTube video

Step 1:
After you've done your chosen cast on method, hold the needle with the cast-on stitches on it in your left hand so that the first stitch is approximately one inch from the tip of the needle. Place the yarn that goes to the yarn ball in front of the left needle.

Insert the right needle towards you through the first stitch on the left needle (right to left, from the back to the front). The right needle will be on top of the left needle and pointing towards you.

Step 2:

Loop the yarn from the left needle around the tip of the right needle from the front around the back in a downward counter-clockwise motion.

Step 3:
Slide the tip of the right needle and the yarn on it through the center of the stitch on the left needle, moving it away from you.

Step 4:
With the tip of the right needle, pull the new loop off the tip of the left needle. You have created one purl stitch that now sits on the right needle. Repeat the steps until all of the stitches from the left-hand needle are purled.

I hope you enjoyed learning How To Knit and Purl. Check out my other knit tutorials for even more knitting tips and methods.

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